Are You Feeling Burned Out?

Picture of By Cascabel Wellness
By Cascabel Wellness

October 24, 20222 - 3 minute read

Are you feeling, both, physically and emotionally exhausted all the time? Does caring about your work or personal life seem like a waste of energy? Has your outlook toward work and home life become more cynical and negative?

If you answered yes to any (or all) of these questions, you’re probably on the road to burnout. The truth is, burnout can make it extremely difficult for you to be your best self every day. Below we’ve included three ways in which you can overcome burnout, and how hemp-infused products may help support you as you move forward. 

What Is Burnout?

Burnout is the state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion due to prolonged or excessive stress. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) ICD-11 publication, burnout is defined as, “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” 
Burnout symptoms are a result of various factors, including work-life imbalance, feeling isolated at work, dysfunctional workplace dynamics, and lack of control or say in decisions that affect your job. 

3 Ways to Overcome Burnout?

  • Focus on your health-care routine: One way to overcome burnout is by developing healthy coping strategies to stress. Self-care routines, such as getting a good night’s rest, making your diet healthier, and exercise, can definitely reduce some of the effects of burnout. 
You can also add Cascabel™ products infused with hemp oil to your diet or in your self-care routine, as it can help you regulate your appetite, sleep better, reduce anxiety and stress, and reduce pain and inflammation. 
  • Practice work/life balance: Take some time to reflect on what your hopes, goals, and priorities are. Then, practice setting boundaries at work and learn how to say ‘no’. Don’t overextend yourself. This is an opportunity for you to start saying ‘no’ to things so you can say ‘yes’ to your other goals and priorities. 
  • Seek support: Burnout should be taken seriously and no one should have to face it on their own. Whether you recognize some of these burnout symptoms or have past the point of no return, we encourage you to seek professional medical care as well as seek support from your close friends and family. 


Now that you know what burnout is, its symptoms, and how it occurs, you can take the proper steps to prevent burnout from happening. And, if you need a little more support, our hemp-infused products are here to make sure you get back to feeling your best self.

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M.A., Melinda Smith, et al. “Burnout Prevention and Treatment.”, 29 Aug. 2022, 
“Burn-out an ‘Occupational Phenomenon’: International Classification of Diseases.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 28 May 2019, 



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